10 More Teasers for The Eaters of Light
Clint Hassell brings you another 10 hints and teasers for the tenth episode of Doctor Who Series 10.
- 1. We should start keeping track of the number of times Bill must explain her sexual orientation to an unwanted suitor, in Series 10.
- 2. . . . although, this suitor is not heterosexual!
- 3. “Scared is fine. Scared is human.”
- 4. The episode features an 18-year-old granddad.
- 5. “Everyone just sounds like ********.”
- 6. The Doctor reveals why he never tells Bill his plan.
- 7. “This is worse than jazz.”
- 8. “Just remember: I know about ten percent of your secrets – – the dark secrets – – and I’m the only one in the TARDIS who knows where the ******** are.”
- 9. Apparently, the Doctor never does basic maintenance on the TARDIS; however, he has “a plan for that.”
- 10. “That’s the trouble with ****. It’s hard to resist.”