10 More Teasers for The Pilot
Clint Hassell brings you another 10 hints and teasers for the opening episode of Doctor Who Series 10.
- 1. Wait . . . is this the Christmas special?
- 2. There’s a moment at 14:31 that immediately made me tear up. This moment is totally one of my favorite Doctor Who moments, now.
- 3. Funniest line (that I won’t spoil): “Like a penguin with his *** ** ****.”
- 4. “Is it my imagination, or is this taking longer than normal?”
- 5. The obvious flaw in the TARDIS’ disguise is revealed.
- 6. Psychic paper!
- 7. I gasped out loud at 38:30, when I realized the specific, familiar place the Doctor has taken Bill.
- 8. “That’s the Doctor for you: [he] never notices the *****.” “I don’t think **** *** ****.”
- 9. The specificities of a former companion’s exit from the TARDIS become pivotal . . . and it’s kinda heartbreaking.
- 10. The TARDIS acronym gets redefined. Twice.