Is Smith wearing a wig this Xmas? Or has he already left?

Last night, Matt Smith was in attendance at the GQ Men Of The Year Awards 2013.
What’s interesting is that Smith has obviously shaved his head once again. His hair is visibly shorter than it was back in the Doctor Who Live interview and subsequent photos.
Christmas filming is taking place imminently and it seems like a strange move to make when we were originally told he was growing it back as much as possible.
Steven Moffat also claimed: “The Doctor will turn up in his trademark quiff. We can’t have Matt’s last stand in the TARDIS without his proper look. “
So either:
- a) Smith is definitely wearing a wig in the Xmas special so it doesn’t matter that he’s shaved it again.
- b) Moffat lies again, or a change of plan. The 11th Doctor has a radically shorter haircut in his final episode.
- c) Smith has already filmed his regeneration in Doctor Who, so it doesn’t matter. Peter Capaldi’s first full episode is actually at Xmas.
Take your pick…
UPDATE: According to Smith on Daybreak, it’ll be option a. He claims he’ll be filming on Sunday and will be wearing a wig.