Moffat’s 12th Doctor Hints
Steven Moffat offers a few intriguing titbits on Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi in the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine (#464
- Moffat is pretty certain Capaldi will keep his native Scottish accent for the role
- At the moment, they’ve only discussed Twelve’s costume in the lightest terms
- Moffat wanted to flip the switch the other way after having two youthful and accessible Doctors in a row
- He’s going to be an older, trickier and fiercer Doctor
- “Just as Clara’s learning to have a proper old crush on him, suddenly he’s Malcolm Tucker!”
- Moffat thinks it’ll be fun seeing Clara cope with the Doctor being completely different…
- …”I think the fun story will be – and we have the opportunity here – is this is what regeneration can do to you. He can be very, very different.”
- “People really love Jenna, so we make the Doctor quite difficult…”
- …Moffat likens the situation to Tom Baker’s first season: “He’s really quite difficult to take at the beginning, and you’re very grateful that Sarah and the Brigadier are there to reassure you.”