Series 6 The Missing Scenes
Since the conclusion of Series 6, we’ve received a number of emails asking what happened to a couple of scenes that were originally shown in the first trailer released last Christmas. Some had assumed they would turn up in the finale and were wondering about their absense.
The two scenes in particular: One featured River Song undressed in Stormcage.
The other showed Nazis looking for the Doctor.
The simple answer is, they ended up as deleted scenes. They were originally meant to be in The Impossible Astronaut but both never made it into the final cut.
Asked about the River scene on Twitter, Steven Moffat said: “Deleted, yes. Too naughty, don’t know what I was thinking.”
More details from The Eleventh Doctor Volume 3:
The readthrough script for [The Impossible Astronaut] had I minimal changes before issue as shooting script. The main alteration was the ultimately deleted scene at Stormcage where the governor remonstrated with River Song over her previous 15 escapes under his predecessor, “Oh, it was never fifteen – unless you’re counting holidays and hair appointments…” said River as she opened a cupboard on the cell wall and pulled out an impossibly long clothes rail of dresses commenting, “Don’t mind my wardrobe. Teensy bit bigger on the inside!”
There were more changes later made to [Day of the Moon]; the opening sequence with Rory and Canton was set in Chicago’s waterfront docklands and the final scene with the little girl was set in New York. The Doctor and his friends had been gathering information over two rather than three months between instalments. Still to be added were the Doctor’s comparisons of the Silents to the Roman Empire, the Doctor describing the sensation of the Silents being around, and much of a sub-plot about the Doctor’s beard.
As there’s no deleted scenes on the Sixth Series Box set, it appears this brief glimpse will be the last we see of them.