The Girl Who Waited Story Details
The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine has a preview of episode 10, The Girl Who Waited, and there are some interesting plot details revealed.
The Doctor takes Amy and Rory for a relaxing break on Apalapucia, not realising that the planet is ravaged by a deadly disease – one that threatens even the life of the Doctor himself. But that’s not the biggest problem: Amy’s gone and got herself trapped in a very unusual hospital. How long will she have to wait before the Doctor comes back for her this time?
AMY: Apalapucia. What a beautiful word.
THE DOCTOR: Beautiful word, beautiful world. Apalapucia – voted number two planet in the top ten greatest destinations for the discerning intergalactic traveller.
RORY: Why couldn’t we go to number one?
THE DOCTOR: Everyone goes to number one. It’s hideous. Planet of the coffee shops.
Other bits:
- This is the ‘Doctor-lite episode’…
- …though it won’t seem like it because the Doctor is always present in some way
- The draft of the story was very ‘timey wimey’, but it got toned down
- It takes place in an alien healthcare clinic called the Twostreams facility
- Amy gets separated from the Doctor and Rory
- The facility is set up to care for sufferers of a disease know as Chen7
- Chen7 only affects beings with two hearts…
- …so The Doctor is confined to the TARDIS
- Rory gets some specs through which the Doctor can watch and communicate through
- The Handbots are well meaning, but deadly hospital robots …
- …They are determined to inject Amy with medicine which would kill any human