The Power of Three & Angels Teasers
Here are Doctor Who TV’s third and final set of teasers for The Power of Three.
- 01100101011100100110010101101000
- 26 June 1890
- There are a lot of nods to the past, even one for K9
- UNIT are more in line with the Pertwee era, rather than how they were represented during RTD’s time
- 0110111001101001
- “Who do you think invented the Yorkshire pudding?”
- Geronimo
- “Bit of a shock. ***** **** under the Savoy”
- The Chicken Dance song is truly horrifying
- “You’re too late Doctor”
- 01100111011011100110100101101000011101000110111101101110
Bonus The Angels Take Manhattan “Next Time” teasers
- “New York is policed by Angels. Every time you try to escape you get zapped back in time. The city that never sleeps”
- “The Angels will come and…I think they are coming for you”
- “Placing someone back in time creates time energy and that is what the Angels feed on”
- An Angel behind a fountain
- A smiling Weeping Angel