The Woman Who Lived: Hints & Teasers (Set #1)
DWTV brings you our first set of hints and teasers for the sixth episode of Series 9, The Woman Who Lived. Join us on Friday for the second set.
- Opening line: “Stand and deliver”
- Yes they’re back and now they can light candles
- “Never have this trouble with Clara”
- Robot of Sherwood is referenced twice
- “You don’t forget the man who saved your life”
- The Doctor might bump into Santa, or Eleven in here
- “How many people have you killed?”
- Ashildr is a witch, but not familiar
- “I’ve been following it across the galaxy”
- Who caused the Great Fire of London?
- “What happened to the second immortality chip?”
- “He has no idea about what we intend to do with it”