The Zygon Invasion: Hints & Teasers (Set #1)
DWTV brings you our first set of hints and teasers for the seventh episode of Series 9, The Zygon Invasion. Join us on Friday for the second set.
- Opening line: Once upon a time…
- “Pretending to be a couple of 7-year-olds is a splendid way to conceal blobbiness”
- Amazing Grace
- “Pray this box is never needed”
- Hello Billy! And him, him, him, and him
- “Oh god… Were those all people?”
- Kate once again struggles with the UNIT dating issue
- “I thought you didn’t like being President of the World?”
- Beware Door 52
- “We need to bomb the hell out of this place!”
- The Doctor’s name is revealed, twice
- “Your ****** is almost ********* ****”