9 Predictions for Doctor Who Series 9…
Connor Johnston peers into his Who-infused crystal ball and makes 9 predictions for the year.
With this week seeing primary filming commence on the hotly anticipated ninth series of Doctor Who, it seems like the ideal time for speculation, wish lists and predictions to migrate their ways to the comment threads and thoughts of Whovians everywhere – as substance to occupy our Who-Hungry minds in this time of waiting. To fill the void until our thirst is once again quenched with Peter Capaldi’s second series in the titular role later this year, join me in peering into my own “Who-infused” crystal ball and picking out 9 predictions for next series. The probable, wishful and slightly bonkers choices lie before us, won’t you join me?
9. A Classic Villain Returns
Up until last year, ever since its revival in 2005 each series has seen the return of a monster of villain from the Classic era. Series 1 saw the Daleks and Autons; Series 2 the Cybermen; Series 3 the Macra and the Master; Series 4 the Sontarans, Davros and the Time Lords; Series 5 the Silurians, Series 6 the Cybermats and Series 7 the Ice Warriors, the Zygons and the Great Intelligence. While Series 8 saw the return of many iconic threats (in the form of the Clockwork Droids, Daleks, Cybermen and the Master) it did lack the nostalgia that reinventing a villain from the Classic series for a new audience entails.
Our first prediction today is that Series 9 will indeed pick up where the last series dropped off by reintroducing a threat from the past to face the Doctor and Clara in 2015. The list of possible candidates is endless; however a few standout choices for me personally are Omega, the Rutans, the Mara, the Sensorites and even possibly a return for the Ice Warriors, Macra and Zygons – with each only having their re-introductory episodes attributed to their list of 21st Century appearances.
8. An Addition to the TARDIS team
With the confirmation that Jenna Coleman is to stay on board the TARDIS for the entirety of Series 9 came naturally a mixed reaction from all corners of the fan base. While the majority are pleased, a concern has made its way into the community that such a brilliant and unique dynamic between Coleman and Capaldi may begin to lose its charm if circumstances lead their storylines becoming too stale or repetitive over the duration. While it’s a concern I don’t share myself personally, there’s of course no doubt that a possible addition to the TARDIS in the form of a new companion would bring with it a renewed excitement and refreshing of existing dynamics to say the least. Bringing energy to the TARDIS isn’t the only advantage of fetching a new companion for the Twelfth Doctor, as history shows each companion in the show’s long duration has had a unique role in bringing out a different side of the Time Lord’s character during their respective reigns.
When it comes to ‘who’ the next companion could be – we are at the moment spoilt for choice. Besides the millions of new characters that can be invented to fit the role, recent adventures have spoilt us by already establishing many personalities overflowing with potential and opportunity such as Journey Blue, Psi and Saibra, Courtney Woods and of course Shona McCullough to name a few. The more the merrier, as they say: the TARDIS is meant to be piloted by six people, after all.
7. A ‘#SpoilerFree’ Series
It’s no secret Doctor Who’s recent history with spoilers is anything but ideal. With 2013 seeing the early release of the “The Name of the Doctor” on Blu-ray discs that had been dispatched a week before transmission, and 2014 seeing the first 5 episodes of Series 8 having their scripts and rough copies make their way onto the internet well before premiere day, there’s not much worse 2015 can deliver in terms of production disasters! One thing that is for certain however is that Series 9 of Doctor Who should, in theory, be one of the most secure productions of the show’s recent history for the simple reasoning of avoiding the same embarrassment it’s had to deal with for the last 2 years. The lack of major spoilers regarding ‘Last Christmas’ and the second half of Series 8 goes to show how effective the increased effort the production team have exhibited is certainly paying off, and with such an humiliating reputation to work off there’s no doubt that every precaution will be made in attempting to keep Series 9 as spoiler free as possible.
6. The Mistress will return to settle some “Unfinished Business”
With her return already confirmed by both Steven Moffat and Michelle ‘Missy’ Gomez herself, our next prediction today is seemingly more of an assurance than any other choice on this list. Exploding onto our screens last series in a sizzling ball of insanity and style, the most recent incarnation of the Doctor’s arch-enemy immediately rose extraordinarily high in the opinions of fans. While the Master has never needed a solid reason to return besides making life hell for our favourite Time Lord, there’s no secret her recent history remains shrouded in MISSY-tery and opportunity for future storylines. These include the specifics of her escape from Gallifrey, the circumstances of her survival and of course whether or not there was any more substance to her interference in Clara and the Doctor’s life to extend on the current explanation of Clara ‘fitting the bill’.
5. The Fandom will once again go off its nut regarding ratings
We, as a fandom have a very unique tendency to suffer various meltdowns throughout the course of the year whenever the survival of the show our sanity seemingly depends on is rumoured to be under threat. The reason for such panic to almost be as much of an annual tradition as the new episodes themselves is because we know too well the show’s history with cancellation and hiatus: and it’s something naturally we’d never want to experience again.
Regardless of how unnecessary the panic in reality actually is (given the sensationally popular status of the show as well as the evolution of how people watch television – see more) – it is almost a given the usual crazed cries of “armageddon” will resurface – and (to a certain degree) it should! After all, a constant concern does make sure running the show never is done so complacently… it’s only when such ramblings turn to blaming current production personalities or inventing a forcible doomsday where issues arise. For now however, we can sleep soundly at night knowing Doctor Who is continuing to be one of the most successful shows in the history of television, and with such successes showing no sign of noticeable decline we can indulge in the safety Doctors Who’s presence on television will remain strong for many, many years to come.
4. The Past will be honoured
March 2015 marks the 10th anniversary of “21st Century Who” (as I detest the label NuWho). “Rose” (the episode and the character) and Christopher Eccleston’s 9th Doctor kicked open the door for a further 8 series, 4 and a ½ Doctors, 8 headline companions and an incredible array of adventures throughout time and space to follow. While I totally agree with Russell T Davies’ recent comments regarding the irony of a programme celebrating its 50th year of united history and then 2 years later isolating less than 1/5th of the show’s legacy to celebration, the fandom admittedly loves a party any chance its gets. While a 10th Anniversary special may not be the correct path to follow; some recognition and honouring of 10 years of survival seems highly appropriate. Be it a mini-episode, exclusive archival material, or even an abundance of in universe references and character returns – we can be fairly sure such a joyous achievement will warrant some kind of celebration in the line-up for 2015.
3. Departures, Departures Everywhere!
Series 9 is sure to see some drastic changes in the line-up of personalities that make Doctor Who the show as we now know it. Personally, as much as the news of Jenna Coleman’s continued presence on board the TARDIS has overwhelming delighted me, I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling that if the conclusion of 2015 doesn’t see the conclusion of Clara Oswald’s record-breaking run as a main companion then she might risk overstaying her welcome – a fate I dread ever happening to one of my favourite characters of all time. How Jenna will end her legacy in Doctor Who still for a while yet remains a mystery – but as they all eventually do, leave she must.
Could 2015 also mark the beginning of the end for Steven Moffat? Once again, it’s a departure I would not wish to occur anytime soon – however the reality of the matter is 2015 also marks 10 years of Moffat writing Doctor Who, his work including writing for seven canon approved Doctors over all nine series of 21st Century Who – an amazing feat for any writer. Despite my overwhelming stubbornness, we all must acknowledge the fact that Moffat can’t write the show forever (Don’t blame me, blame science) and 2015 could very well be the end to one of (if not the) greatest writers of the show’s entire history.
The third possible departure just seems too harmful to think about, it goes without saying that if Peter Capaldi leaves the show before Doctor Who’s centenary then a grand injustice has will have bestowed unto the human race.
2. A Spiffing Day for a Spinoff, Don’t you think?
Never, in the entire history of Doctor Who has there been as much obvious opportunity for a Doctor Who spinoff series then right now. Even in the early days of the revival it took nothing more than 2 iconic and loved characters to spawn both ‘Torchwood’ and ‘The Sarah Jane Adventures’ – and there’s undoubtedly no shortage of such characters in Doctor Who at the moment. It’s been over two years since we last saw a Doctor Who spin-off on our screens, and with the dreaded “Dark times” without Who becoming progressively more and more unbearable it seems like the time for another sister show to debut is right now.
The obvious choices of course lie in the pool of reoccurring characters that seem to be rising to fame including Paternoster residents Vastra, Jenny and Strax; UNIT Scientific Advisor and fan-favourite Kate Stewart as well as the countless characters from the past that already have their own respective legacies that could easily be translated into a new programme. Who knows? Could the suspected departure of Clara at the end of Series 9 mark the way for Jenna Coleman to feature in her own spinoff? Here’s hoping.
1. Homeward Bound: The Quest for Gallifrey nears its end
Finally, the mother of all predictions is of course the extensively debated return of the Doctor’s home planet; Gallifrey. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the debate, the reality is that Gallifrey at some point in the not-too-distant future will return. For the first time since the show’s revival, it’s no longer a likely possibility but a confirmed certainty thanks to the revelations of “The Day of the Doctor”. The only potential issue I ever found with Gallifrey’s return might be the plot leading up to the big event would A) be too rushed, or B) too heavy and dictate other plots.
Thankfully, as we enter our second year since the Doctor’s eventual destination was made clear, it’s with a great sense of relief I can say I believe the pacing and focus regarding the quest for Gallifrey has been spot on – so much so that now feels like the right time for it to be reaching its natural climax. A new Doctor has been settled, a new tone established and a new audience secured; the time to throw everything into chaos with Gallifrey’s return is 2015. Not to mention how extremely appropriate and poetic to do so during the revival’s 10th Anniversary would be:
In 1963 the Doctor ran away from home, 50 years in 2013 later he started running towards it.
In 2005 the Doctor destroyed Gallifrey, 10 years later in 2015 he brought it back.
Gallifrey: I believe we’re finally ready.