Doctor Who: Weird and Wonderful
Weird and Wonderful is our round-up of the some of the other Doctor Who bits and bobs around the web that caught our attention over the last week or so.
Timelord T’s
Doctor Who T-shirts designed on the fourth and fifth Doctor costumes! Out next week at Forbidden Planet.
Doctor Hooey
It’s Turkish Doctor Who and it’s quite possibly the weirdest/funniest thing you will see today.
Cyber Swim
A competitor wearing a Doctor Who Cybermen cap competed in the UK Cold Water Swimming Championships.
via Boingboing
Dalek Joy Ride
Zappies released a video of their new Ride in Daleks to make you wish you were under 6 again (or a hobbit). Due for release 19th June.
Cool Collectable
A Stone Dalek. Sadly not actually made of stone. Due next week.