Teasers for The Almost People
SFX has posted 20 odd spoiler-free teasers for The Almost People. Below is a selection of some of the more intriguing ones.
- It’s a compelling, solid action/adventure episode, with a few irritating moments that don’t quite gel and some lapses in logic. If anything, it feels a little small scale and never really steps up a gear to a level you’d expect from a two-parter, but at least that means it can deal with its themes a little more thoroughly and concentrate on the characters.
- The last couple of minutes are riveting
- There’s some new footage – not just “story so far” clips – before the opening credits
- The Doctor appeals to someone’s better nature
- There’s a lovely reference back to “The Doctor’s Wife”
- The Doctor is very scary at a couple of points
- Amy voices something that may have been on the viewers’ minds if they’ve been following the series
- The Doctor once won a bet in a very unusual fashion
- The Doctor asks Amy to do something he also asked her to do in the last series
- Some waste product has a profound affect on Rory
- The TARDIS makes a very unusual landing
- By the end of the episode you be left trying to work out when something that clearly happened actually happened
- There’s a very random balloon
- The TARDIS is better medically equipped than in “Curse Of The Black Spot”.
You can check out the rest here.