Darvill on Autumn Doctor Who
BBC News has interviewed Arthur Darvill. The majority of it concerns his new theatre role in Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus, but he does chat about Doctor Who a little.
On the secrecy of the plots:
“I forget what I can and can’t talk about, so I end up talking about nothing for hours – which has become quite a skill. My mum sent me a text straight after [A Good Man Goes to War] saying: ‘Does this mean I’m Alex Kingston’s grandmother?'”
“The press have been really good at keeping things under wraps – otherwise it’s like watching a football match and knowing the result.”
On the Autumn half of Series 6:
“I’m so excited the second half of the series that’s coming up – what Steven [Moffat] has done is something quite brilliant – it’s really going to surprise people.”
A bigger surprise than Rory being River Song’s dad?
“Oh that’s nothing!” he laughs.