Series 7 Filming: The Weeping Angels
Filming on the fifth episode of Doctor Who Series 7 kicked off last night. As previously reported the story is set in New York, with some filming due to take place on location later this month. This time though they were shooting at the Cardiff School of Physics and Astronomy building, which was standing in for a location in America.
It was also announced that the Weeping Angels will feature in this story and a couple were spotted on set.
Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill and Karen Gillan were all part of filming. The scene saw the Doctor and Amy running into the building with the Angels perched at each side of the entrance.
Additional cast / extras were seen to be dressed in period costume, including the fedora-wearing character below. He also cautiously entered the building, followed by Rory.
UPDATE: Pics added courtesy of Alun Vega.
Check out a short video of some of the action:
Thanks to Krissy, Brian Damage and Simon Watkins.