The Doctors Revisited UK Schedule
The Radio Times has detailed the UK airdates and times for 50th anniversary documentary series Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited.
The eleven, 25-minute specials begin airing on Watch from Saturday 12 October. As with overseas airings, each instalment precedes a story dedicated to its respective Doctor.
Schedule is as follows:
Saturday 12 October
- 2pm The Doctors Revisited: William Hartnell
- 2:30pm The Aztecs
Sunday 13 October
- 2pm The Doctors Revisited: Patrick Troughton
- 2:30pm Tomb of the Cybermen
Saturday 19 October
- 2pm The Doctors Revisited: Jon Pertwee
- 2:30pm Spearhead from Space
Sunday 20 October
- 2pm The Doctors Revisited: Tom Baker
- 2:30pm Pyramids of Mars
Saturday 26 October
- 2pm The Doctors Revisited: Peter Davison
- 2:30pm Earthshock
Sunday 27 October
- 2pm The Doctors Revisited: Colin Baker
- 2:30pm Vengeance on Varos
Saturday 2 November
- 2pm The Doctors Revisited: Sylvester McCoy
- 2:30pm Battlefield
Sunday 3 November
- 2pm The Doctors Revisited: Paul McGann
- 2:30pm Doctor Who: The Movie
Saturday 9 November
- 2pm The Doctors Revisited: Christopher Eccleston
- 2:30pm Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Sunday 10 November
- 2pm The Doctors Revisited: David Tennant
- 2:30pm The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End
Saturday 16 November
- 2pm The Doctors Revisited: Matt Smith
- 2:30pm The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon