Capaldi Teases River Romance, Series 10
“Yes, there is [a chance for romance],” Capaldi said the Doctor Who Festival [via]. “I’m trying not to give it away. My Doctor is different from the Doctors who were there when Alex first arrived. This Doctor’s different from that. It’s a different dynamic.”
Capaldi also spoke a little about Series 10: “Next year’s a different thing, and it’s quite interesting and challenging, and scary.
He added: “I’ve only done two series, but I’m amazed at how fast it’s gone. I’ve done 26 episodes now, you know. And every time you’ve got through a season, and you’ve discovered all these things about this new Doctor, it’s sort of scrapped and you start again. You have to come to it afresh and find new things – but that’s quite challenging and interesting.
“So I’m fascinated to know where we’re going to go. Because in some ways he’s much more amenable, but in other ways he’s even darker. So I think that makes for a very interesting character.”