Doctor Cracks It? (Update)
Will the mysterious cracks in the universe be solved in Flesh and Stone?
Will the mysterious cracks in the universe be solved in Flesh and Stone?
Again. Graham Norton spoils another crucial Doctor Who scene.
“If you open your eyes now for more than a second…you will die.”
What did you think of The Time of Angels?
The Time of Angels round-up and results of last weeks poll, with your verdict on Victory of the Daleks.
Watch a few gameplay snippets from episode one of the Doctor Who: The Adventure Games, City of the Daleks.
Watch three clips from The Time of Angels.
The Doctor takes Amy to 17th-century Venice, Saturday 8th May on BBC1
US version still ‘very much ongoing’ but Fox scraps their plans.
Episode one of The Doctor Who Adventure Games titled and detailed.
A bunch of spoilers for Saturday’s episode, The Time of Angels.
New pics from The Time of Angels, including 41 screens from the trailer.
Matt Smith and Katy Manning to appear in the fourth series of The Sarah Jane Adventures in a story written by Russell T Davies.
More cracks in the universe. And why can’t Amy remember the Daleks?
“It’s a brilliant noise. I love that noise.”