Dinosaurs on a Spaceship Teasers
Here are Doctor Who TV’s first 10 teasers for Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.
- It’s purely a popcorn episode. A fun romp, but it probably won’t last long in the memory for most
- Dinosaurs appear within the first 5 minutes and get a fair amount of screentime, but they don’t dominate the episode
- Opening line: “Bye then. Lovely meeting you. Sorry about the mess”
- The Doctor picks up the Ponds 10 months after he last saw them
- Other eras visited include 1334BC, 2367 AD, 1902AD, in that order
- Rory gets a kiss… from the Doctor
- The Doctor’s newfound anonymity is touched on once again
- “We’re on an ***. A ******** ***”
- The Doctor does something that totally goes against his usual principles
- It’s almost completely standalone, but there’s some subtle foreshadowing with the Ponds
We’ll have some more later in the week…