Doctor Who: Weird and Wonderful
Weird and Wonderful is our round-up of the some of the other Doctor Who bits and bobs around the web that caught our attention over the last week or so.
Movie Mash-ups
Empire Online asked their readers to mash-up classic film posters with Doctor Who. The results are pretty hilarious.
Who’s the cat in the hat?
An illustration by Bill Mudron. Thanks to Carole for sending this in.
Cool Collectable
A battery operated Ride-In Dalek. Yes, you can actually get in these! Well, as long as you’re between the ages 3-6. It features 360 degree steering with lights and 10 Dalek sounds. Released this summer.
The Doctor’s Daughter?
David Tennant’s wife to be, Georgia Moffet, is now having a baby according to various tabloid reports. If it’s a girl, they have to call it Jenny. It it’s boy, it has to become a future Doctor. Only then will the cycle be complete.
This is Shameless
An episode of Channel 4’s Shameless featured a Doctor Who parody of the fourth Doctor and companion, Leela.
The official Doctor Who website has some great B-movie inspired wallpapers and screensavers to download.