- Series 15 (2025)
- Series 14 (2023-24)
- Specials (2023)
- Series 13 (2021-2022)
- Series 12 (2020-2021)
- Series 10 (2016 – 2017)
- Series 9 (2015)
- Series 8 (2014)
- Specials (2013)
- Series 7 (2012 – 2013)
- 701. Asylum of the Daleks
- 702. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
- 703. A Town Called Mercy
- 704. The Power of Three
- 705. The Angels Take Manhattan
- 7X. The Snowmen
- 706. The Bells of Saint John
- 707. The Rings of Akhaten
- 708. Cold War
- 709. Hide
- 710. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
- 711. The Crimson Horror
- 712. Nightmare in Silver
- 713. The Name of the Doctor
- Series 6 (2011)
- 601. The Impossible Astronaut / 602. Day…
- 603. The Curse of the Black Spot
- 604. The Doctor’s Wife
- 605. The Rebel Flesh / 606. The Almost…
- 607. A Good Man Goes to War
- 608. Let’s Kill Hitler
- 609. Night Terrors
- 610. The Girl Who Waited
- 611. The God Complex
- 612. Closing Time
- 613. The Wedding of River Song
- 6x. The Doctor, the Widow and the…
- Series 5 (2010)
- 501. The Eleventh Hour
- 502. The Beast Below
- 503. Victory of the Daleks
- 504. The Time of Angels / 505. Flesh and…
- 506. The Vampires of Venice
- 507. Amy’s Choice
- 508. The Hungry Earth / 509. Cold Blood
- 510. Vincent and the Doctor
- 511. The Lodger
- 512. The Pandorica Opens / 513. The Big…
- 5x. A Christmas Carol
- Specials (2009)
- Series 4 (2008)
- Series 3 (2007)
- Series 2 (2006)
- Series 1 (2005)