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211. Fear Her

Fear Her



When the Tardis lands in 2012, the Doctor plans to show Rose the London Olympics. But on a nearby housing estate, a desperate mother is hiding her daughter’s unearthly powers. Can the Doctor defeat the danger nestling at the heart of an ordinary British household?


Written by Matthew Graham
Directed by Euros Lyn

The Doctor – David Tennant
Rose Tyler – Billie Piper
Maeve – Edna Doré
Trish – Nina Sosanya
Dad – Tim Faraday
Neighbour – Erica Eirlan
Policeman – Stephen Marzella
Driver – Richard Nicholls
Kel – Abdul Salis
Chloe – Abisola Agbaje


The Doctor: “It only seems like yesterday, a few naked Greek blokes were tossing a discus about, wrestling with each other in the sand and the crowd stood around…no, wait a minute that was Club Med!”

Tom’s Dad: “What’s your game?”
The Doctor: “My um…Snakes and Ladders…quite good at Squash…I’m being facetious…there’s no call for it.”

The Doctor: Fingers on lips!”

Rose: [Kneeling down to stroke a cat] “Aren’t you a beautiful boy?”
The Doctor: “Thanks. I’ve been experimenting with back-combing… oh.”
Rose: “I used to have one like you…[to Doctor] What?”
The Doctor: “No, I’m not really a cat person. Once you’ve been threatened by one in a nuns wimple, kind of takes the joy out of it. ”

The Doctor: “That is so dinky! The Go-Anywhere creature. Fits in your pocket… makes friends, impresses the boss… breaks the ice at parties…”

Rose: “The girl!”
The Doctor: “OF COURSE!…What girl?”

The Doctor: “Hello! I’m the Doctor and this is Rose. Can we see your daughter? ”
Trish:”No! You can’t!”
The Doctor: “Okay! Bye.”

Kel: “You just took a council axe – from a council van – and now you’re digging up a council road! I’m reporting you to the council! ”

The Doctor: “Top banana! Mm. I can’t stress this enough. Ball-bearings you can eat, Masterpiece!”

The Doctor: “A storm’s approaching…”


This episode is set in 2012. The same year as the episode Dalek took place.

The opening ceremony shown is actually digitally altered footage of the 2002 Commonwealth Games held in Manchester.

The Doctor tells Rose he was “a Dad once”. The first Doctor travelled with his grandaughter in the classic series.

The Who is Doctor Who? website was updated again.