Halfway Out of the Dark: A Series 10 Theory
Feature article by guest contributor Woody McFarland.
Spoiler Warning: In this article, I will be openly discussing details of future episodes revealed by press releases, trailers, filming photos, and Moffat’s series previews. If you wish to remain unaware of such details, you are advised not to read further.
Did you miss me?
Of course not, it’s doubtful you even remember me. My name is Woody McFarland, also known as The Sonic Speculator. Back in 2015, I wrote a pair of articles speculating on the outcome of Series 9, entitled Halfway Out of the Dark. I so enjoyed writing those articles and discussing my theories with you all, that I decided right then I had to write a similar article at the halfway point of Series 10. So, here I am, back and ready to revel in the greatness of guesswork. Let’s dive right in!
Before I begin laying out my theory, let’s consider what we have to speculate on. Extremis answered the question of who is in the vault, leaving many of the previous questions on the series arc answered. So, what is left to speculate?
1. Twelve’s Regeneration
Officially, we’ve been told that Capaldi’s Doctor will not regenerate until Christmas, but seeing as we’ve already had many teasings of Twelve’s demise, we must consider the Doctor’s future.
2. The Vault and its Contents
I know, I know, I just said that we already know what’s in the vault. Extremis revealed that Missy is being held inside the vault, following her “execution”. But that revelation brings with it a new set of questions. Why was Missy meant to be executed? Will those seeking to kill her try again? Was her promise to turn good sincere? And when will the Doctor release her?
It’s my belief that these two plot threads are, in many ways, intertwined. I’ve devised a theory that I believe answers many of the questions us fans are asking. So, without further ado, I present:
My Theory
To begin the discussion on Twelve’s regeneration, I think it’s important to address the apparent regeneration we have already seen in trailers. It’s my belief that this ‘regeneration’ is a ruse, and will occur in Episode 8 or 9, as a cure for the Doctor’s blindness. This theory is evidenced by the fact that in the scenes shown in trailers, the Doctor is wearing the same gray coat seen in the flashbacks in Extremis. This coat is also seen in filming photos for the latter parts of the Monk Trilogy, which also feature guards resembling those in the background of one of the regeneration scenes we’ve seen in trailers.
So, with that out of the way, when and how does Twelve’s actual regeneration occur? Well, let’s consider a few quotes from those in the know, which I’ll number so I can easily refer to them later:
- Steven Moffat: “[Capaldi’s] Doctor feels sort of impulsive and in the moment and would do something reckless that you wouldn’t expect.”
- Peter Capaldi: “I have done the death of my character”
- Peter Capaldi: “There’s this notion now that it’s the same process he’s gone through every time, and that’s not true. It’s only the last couple of regenerations that have been, as it were, fairly straightforward ones.”
- Peter Capaldi: “It was a strange day. It was explosive. He goes out a fighter.”
All right, now that’s done, let’s get on to the theorizing! My theory is based largely on two key phrases from Steven Moffat’s Radio Times preview for Episode 11:
“Friendship drives the Doctor into the rashest decision of his life.”
“[The Doctor] witnesses the death of someone he is pledged to protect.”
Now, the obvious candidate for that death is Bill, the Doctor’s wonderful new companion. However, I’d like to present an alternate theory. Notice the first phrase. It says the Doctor makes a ‘rash’ decision. Perhaps the one referred to by Steven Moffat (Quote #1)? If so, that means that this rash decision will ultimately lead to the Twelfth Doctor’s death. So, what could it be? Well, let’s consider what drives the Doctor to make this decision. Friendship. Now, what character’s central arc is based upon the Doctor’s friendship? Hmmm Oh yes Missy.
So, what is the rash decision the Doctor makes, motivated by his friendship with Missy? My guess? He releases her from the vault. And this sets into motion the events that will lead to the Twelfth Doctor’s demise. Because the species that attempted to execute Missy still wants her dead. Due to this, the vault now protects, rather than imprisons, Missy. Once released, those seeking to destroy her will once again attempt to hunt her down. And they will succeed. Because Missy, not Bill, is the person who will die. Think about it. The Doctor is not pledged to protect Bill. But he has sworn an oath to protect Missy.
And with Missy’s death, begins the end of the Twelfth Doctor’s story. Because Twelve, by his own admission, is ‘sick of losing people’. Even more so now that he’s lost Clara and River. He will not tolerate the loss of his best friend, especially when she is finally beginning to show some hopeful signs of goodness. So, it is my opinion that he will attempt to change time, and will sacrifice himself to save Missy. This is the death referred to by Peter Capaldi (Quote #2). But on this show, death is separate from regeneration, and as Capaldi also says, Twelve’s regeneration will not be a straightforward one (Quote #3), and he will have to fight (Quote #4).
So, what will happen when Twelve dies? Well, he’ll begin to regenerate, of course. But as we know, the Twelfth Doctor has been quite frivolous with the regeneration energy given to him by the Time Lords in The Time of the Doctor. He gave a significant amount to Davros and the Daleks in The Witch’s Familiar, and, by my earlier theory, will have used some to cure his blindness. I think the Twelfth Doctor will not have enough energy to complete a full regeneration, only to escape immediate death. The Doctor will survive, but will still be mortally wounded.
At this point, he will be forced to go and beg the Time Lords for more regenerations, likely requiring Missy’s help to get to them. But at what point in time can he do so? The Time Lords he left at the end of Series 9 are not likely to help him. The last time he was there, he toppled their government, forced the General to regenerate, stole a TARDIS, and most importantly, risked all of time and space. They also would know about the regeneration energy that was already given to him, and wouldn’t be likely to give him more to waste. So, the Doctor must visit them before Gallifrey was frozen in a pocket universe. He will go to them on the last day of the Time War. This is the Twelve that we first saw in The Day of the Doctor. He isn’t there to help save Gallifrey but to beg the Time Lords for his life as his other selves save theirs. It seems fitting that the Twelfth Doctor’s first on-screen appearance would actually be from his final adventure.
But then, something shocking happens. The Time Lords refuse to offer the Doctor more regenerations. He is dying because he attempted to change time, and the Time Lords know that he will continue to do so if allowed to live, which defies their code. So how will the Doctor be able to regenerate? The answer is standing right beside him, sporting a lovely Mary Poppins cosplay. Missy. A Time Lady with, theoretically, several regenerations left. Missy, as the final proof of her friendship, without hope, without witness, and without reward, will give the Doctor her own regeneration energy. And, in typical fashion, bright yellow beams of light will engulf the Doctor’s head and limbs, and suddenly, Colin Morgan the Thirteenth Doctor will appear.
So, there it is, my wild theory about for the end of the Twelfth Doctor’s era! I should note, I’m not remarkably confident in this theory, as most of it is based on my own wild speculation (as all good theories are), but I am fairly certain of a few aspects, such as the Doctor releasing Missy, her death, and the Doctor not having enough energy to regenerate. I also realize I’ve not covered the Christmas special and the universe-shattering appearance it may feature.
The purpose of this article is not to correctly guess the outcome of the series (though it would be fun if I have!). This article is meant to encourage fans like you to consider and analyze the themes and plotlines being introduced in these early episodes of the season, and to consider where those themes might take the show. The purpose of this article is to start the gears turning in Whovian minds, and to spark discussion and speculation on the upcoming series finale.
So, discuss! Analyze! Speculate! I want to hear all your thoughts on the themes and storylines you’ve noticed developing for far in Series 10, and your theories as to where they will lead! Don’t be afraid to give voice to your wildest speculations, we’re all just as in the dark as you are! In fact, one might say that we are only halfway out of the dark.