Doctor Who: Weird and Wonderful
Doctor Who gets remixed; the Brig meets 11th Doctor; the TARDIS trio test their US accents; ‘Lego’ Who released.
Doctor Who gets remixed; the Brig meets 11th Doctor; the TARDIS trio test their US accents; ‘Lego’ Who released.
A new 30-second BBC1 TV trailer for The Impossible Astronaut.
New Doctor Who promo pictures for The Impossible Astronaut.
Silence falls on the radio.
Matt Smith thinks The Silence will beat the Daleks.
Behind the scenes look at the Series 6 opener with new clips.
Day of the Moon confirmed for Saturday 30th April.
Video interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill.
Two exciting clips from The Impossible Astronaut.
Contains big spoilers for the Series 6 opener.
May contain spoilers: Intriguing new details on Matthew Graham’s two-parter.
Smith: “The Doctor is too much of a space bachelor.”
Highlights from Steven Moffat’s preview of Series 6 from the Radio Times.
6pm on Saturday 23rd April, according to the Radio Times.
First look at the Cybermen in Doctor Who Series 6!