Dear readers,
Doctor Who TV’s future is in danger and could really use your help.
In the almost 20 years the site has been running, it has never been for monetary gain. However, increasing server bills and all the associated costs that come with running a popular site daily are an unfortunate reality.
Early on, when the site was still relatively small, it was able to support itself acceptably enough through ads. However, things have changed dramatically in the past few years.
Server costs have got more and more expensive and the ads are simply no longer covering things as ad companies cripple sites by wanting more and more invasive ads for less. There’s also the major issue that a high percentage of visitors now block ads entirely.
The simple fact is, without any form of direct income, the site will only be able to exist in a severely limited form, or worse, be forced to close in the near future. We unfortunately cannot continue to run this site on visitor goodwill alone.
Therefore, we ask that if you like the site, you please consider becoming a patron.
What on Earth is Patreon?
Patreon is a crowdfunding website that allows you to donate on a per-monthly basis from as little as $1 a month (less than a pound UK). How much you donate is entirely up to you. Those that support us will receive some extra perks. Exact details can be found on our Patreon page (linked below).
Where can I donate from?
You can donate from anywhere in the world. This is not restricted to the UK/US. Currency conversion will automatically be worked out.
I simply can’t afford it, anything else I can do?
We appreciate that not everyone can afford to donate, but if you do block the adverts please consider disabling your ad block software on this site.
Where do I go to pledge support?
Click on either of the banners below:
Monthly Payment:
Paypal Payment:
You can now donate via Paypal. We accept one-off payments here:
Thanks for your support.