“The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos” Speculation Bingo
With your host Clint Hassell Bradley Walsh.
Just because we haven’t seen the Series 11 finale, “The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos,” doesn’t mean that we should be clueless as to plot points it might contain. Several Series 11 episodes have telegraphed storylines and developments that we have yet to see resolved. Combine those with an examination of showrunner Chris Chibnall’s history as head writer for Torchwood’s first two series, and I think it’s possible to put forth some fairly decent speculation for this Sunday’s Series 11 finale. So, in lieu of a pre-release review, let’s play a game of “speculation bingo.” Check off events as they occur and let’s see how close our educated guesses come to reality!
What makes a good finale?
A great finale doesn’t just conclude the series-long plot, but also revisits overarching themes and resolves character arcs. For example, the Series 9 finale, “Hell Bent,” not only needed to reveal the nature of the Doctor’s confession dial, first seen in the series premiere, “The Magician’s Apprentice,” but also finish exploring how Clara’s increasingly Doctor-like behavior had become more dangerous and toxic, after Danny Pink’s death.
The one issue with prognosticating the content of the Series 11 finale is that “The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos” will be followed by a New Year’s Day special, airing a mere three weeks later. Previous holiday specials – – especially “Last Christmas,” which aired just six weeks after Series 8’s “Death in Heaven,” and “Twice Upon a Time,” airing after Series 10’s “The Doctor Falls” – – have served as a second series finale, of sorts. Chibnall may use the extended running time of the New Year’s Day episode to more thoroughly conclude Series 11’s ongoing narrative arcs, rather than try to cram, say, companion departures into what appears to be a plot-centric finale. Thus, any speculation as to the content of the finale could just as easily be applied to the holiday special. Despite this, I doubt there will be a direct cliffhanger between the two, mostly because the solicitation for the DVD release is specific that the collection will feature only the ten episodes from Series 11, and not the holiday special. Surely, Chibnall wouldn’t connect the two and thus risk alienating DVD buyers who would be disappointed that their collected set lacks a patent ending.
The companions
Contrary to popular opinion, I think that Yasmin has been well-developed by the Series 11 writers. Graham and Ryan are more intrinsically tied to the series-long plot, as both join the TARDIS after Grace’s death in “The Woman Who Fell to Earth,” but plot relevance doesn’t equal consistent character depiction or development. Yasmin is brave and capable, and desires to see more of the universe than her family’s expectations for her future will allow – – the prototypical companion. Episodes continue to show her as mature and reliable, even serving as the Doctor’s sounding board. This being said, with “Arachnids in the UK” and “Demons of the Punjab” already focusing on the Khan family, I doubt Chibnall will dedicate a third episode to Yaz, and I expect her to not be the focus of the finale.
Conversely, Ryan has been the most ill-defined, his personality oscillating between kind, awkward, impetuous, and stubborn. His character arc seems less focused on development than plot – – estranged father, losing Grace, his dyspraxia, relating to Graham, etc. – – and because many of these plot points have yet to be resolved, I think we can expect to see the finale to focus more on Ryan. I predict an actual appearance from Ryan’s dad who, though not tied to the episode’s villain, will add conflict to the narrative by pressuring Ryan to abandon Graham. After the final scene in “It Takes You Away,” I expect Ryan to stay with Graham – – now, “Granddad” – – and continue travelling with the Doctor, through Series 12.
Graham, on the other hand, is probably out as a companion, most likely in the New Year’s Day special. Actress Mandip Gill has hinted that not every companion is returning for Series 12, and Bradley Walsh is committed to The Chase, making Graham the most likely one to leave. Further, Graham’s character arc is finished, having resolved his relationship with Ryan and faced (literally!) the loss of Grace, in “It Takes You Away.” While I don’t expect his cancer to reappear – – this would both undercut his relationship with Ryan and ruin the chances for him to recur in Series 12 – – I do expect to see a final cameo from Sharon D. Clarke, as Grace, in the holiday special.
The villains
Does anyone really question that the Stenza will be the threat in “The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos”? Chris Chibnall’s insistence that Series 11 will not feature recurring monsters eliminates the Daleks from consideration – – as does the just announced rumor that they will appear in the New Year’s Day special – – and, while I wouldn’t be surprised to see Krasko again, whenever the identity of “G. F. B.” is revealed, I don’t think he is tied to the Stenza, so I doubt he’ll reappear in the finale. The titular “Arachnids in the UK” are too tied to that episode to recur, as are the Kerb!am robots. With the Morax again trapped under Pendle Hill, I think the best we can hope for is a cameo from a Pting.
Considering Torchwood’s Chibnall-penned, Series 1 finale featured Bilis Manger – – a character introduced only one episode prior – – as integral to the Abaddon threat, it wouldn’t be surprising for the Stenza to reappear, considering the featured in the series premiere and “The Ghost Monument.” Perhaps, the “nine separate distress calls” that initiate the finale’s plot are from the Stenza’s human trophies. Knowing that much of the destructive, deadly technology behind the Stenza warrior front was developed on Desolation, we can expect that planet to get name-dropped. Further, considering his involvement in “The Ghost Monument,” Ilin may make an appearance, though I doubt the narrative has room to also include Epzo or Angstrom.
The Doctor
Especially if “Tim Shaw” has survived to reappear in “The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos,” I expect the Stenza to be very knowledgeable of the Doctor’s history and reputation, even referring to her as a “Time Lord” from Gallifrey. While I think they will taunt the Doctor with another reference to the “Timeless Child,” I feel that reveal is part of Chibnall’s long game for Thirteen, and will probably be dealt with in Series 12.
It is difficult to imagine an episode where the Doctor doesn’t use her multi-purpose sonic screwdriver; however, her psychic paper seems more useful in specific situations – – infiltrating the Kerb!am warehouse or gaining Robertson’s trust, for example – – so it’ll probably stay tucked away. Finally, we can expect that the finale will give Jodie Whittaker the opportunity to showcase her talent in a scene featuring one of the Doctor’s signature, blustering addresses.
Who knows?
Hopefully, the Series 11 finale brings us some unexpected surprises. The production’s refusal to allow media access to a promotional screener certainly intimates that they are trying to keep something a secret. (Heck, for all we know, the announcement that Jodie Whittaker is staying for Series 12 could be misdirection and she’ll regenerate in the finale. It would certainly explain why Series 12 is delayed – – they have to recast the part. No one has seen footage from location shooting, so, anything is possible!) Considering Amazon Prime aired “The Witchfinders” a week early, in the U.S., the BBC’s concern with secrecy is understandable, however, with all of the media scrutiny, would it be a total surprise if details of the episode leaked before broadcast?
Follow me on Twitter (@ClintHassell) and check back on Monday to see how we did in predicting the events of “The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos.”
. . . and, since you’ve made it this far, click through to the next page for some “teasers” for the finale!